Precious Chatterje-Doody
Member since 2024
If we want to effectively address any contemporary global challenges, we first need to confront the crisis of public trust and truly connect with people.
Precious Chatterje-Doody works on the interrelationship between communication, perception, identity and security, with a particular focus on Russia and military aggression. Her research has examined the online spread of disinformation and conspiracy theories; the tactics that states use to justify their policies; and the ways in which non-state actors including public service broadcasters, religious organisations and community-based networks can respond to contemporary challenges of information manipulation and declining public trust.
Passionate about expanding access to research-based public and professional education, Precious frequently provides commentary for international broadcast media and was academic consultant for the 2022 BAFTA-nominated documentary series “Trump takes on the world”. She has helped create multiple open access online learning resources about media, politics and society, as well as best practice journalism resources. She has given evidence to UK and overseas parliamentary bodies and currently co-convenes a global counter-disinformation practitioner peer learning network.