
Barbara Hughes-Moore

Member since 2023

Occupation: Lecturer in Law at Cardiff University

Collaboration is an act of pure trust - and lasting, meaningful change is a tapestry we weave together.


Barbara is a Lecturer in Law at Cardiff University and a Reviews Editor for the Romantic Textualities journal. She teaches and researches criminal law, Gothic fiction, and the law of evidence, with a particular focus on law and literature (which explores the rhetorical and cultural intersections between literary and legal works). She is currently working on a book that illuminates how ‘monsters’ in Gothic fiction can reveal the ‘monstrousness’ of the criminal law from the nineteenth century to now.

Barbara brings considerable insight from theatre and the arts as both a published theatre critic and through her links with Wales-based organisations like the Sherman Theatre, Company of Sirens, the New Theatre, and Chapter. She is currently co-leading an ESRC-funded project to develop learning materials on health law and ethics for schools in Wales, in collaboration with Cardiff University, Fitzalan High School, Cardiff Council, and the Sherman Theatre.


  • IMAGINE Project Team
  • Project Co-Lead (IMAGINE)


  • Critical thinking skill development in education
  • Cross-sector skill sharing
  • Holistic approach
  • Interdisciplinary research opportunities
  • Societal impact of research