Yihua Hu
Member since 2023
I am an expert on intelligent energy conversions in renewable energy, smart grids, and electrified transportation. I am keen to work on Zero Carbon technologies with people from different disciplines.
Yihua Hu is a reader of electrical engineering, and a Fellow of the IET. He was awarded the Royal Society Industry Fellowship and EPSRC Power Electronics Centre Impact Acceleration Fellowship in 2020 and 2017 respectively. He has published 150 journal papers in IEEE Transactions journals (top journals in electrical engineering) with over 7200 citations (since 2017) and an h-index of 51. He is the author of 15 patents and serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Scientific Reports and IET RPG. His research interests include renewable generation, electric vehicles, smart energy conversion systems and non-destructive test technology. His research output was a finalist for the Technology transfer category of the IET Innovation Awards 2019. He and his student span out a company (Qingdao Guanxin Tech Ltd) and attracted ¥10million venture capital investment. His supervised PhD students were awarded IET Postgraduate Award 2021 and STEM for Britain 2022 award.